Our Clothing

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We Don't Just Wear...We Care

We believe in a better way to dress - a way that’s kinder to our planet while supporting great causes.

Every piece of our clothing is made with TLC and a pledge to make a difference.

Printed On-Demand

Every garment you order from In Touch is printed on-demand, not mass-produced.

We take this mindful approach for 2 reasons:

  1. This limits our carbon footprint by limiting volume and emphasizing quality.
  2. If you wear an In Touch Print, you wear a garment specially crafted for you.

Transparent Pricing

We're not in business for the riches. If we were, we'd be trading stocks instead.

Our pricing model ensures that 20%-30% of every item is donated to charity.

After costs, that leaves us with a modest $12-$18 per item.

Your shared profit is the positive change we're driving together...and some sweet swag.

Threads & Ink That Last

We don’t believe in cutting corners when it comes to quality.

Nothing is worse than an overpriced sweatshirt that doesn't last or feel comfortable.

We've hand-picked the softest and highest-quality fabrics for our clothing line.

The printing method we use means your In Touch Print will last - like your support for the cause it represents.